CoolTone™ in Augusta, GA
Are you going to the gym regularly and still not seeing the results you would like to have? CoolTone™ by CoolSculpting® may be the solution you’ve been looking for. 7 Seas Medical Spa is excited to introduce CoolTone™ by CoolSculpting as part of our offering of body sculpting treatments to residents of Evans, Columbia City, North Augusta, and the neighboring cities of Georgia.

What is CoolTone™?
CoolTone™ is a body sculpting procedure that uses magnetic muscle stimulation or MMS technology to tone and sculpt your abdomen, thighs, and buttocks. This cutting-edge procedure is non-invasive and only takes about 30 minutes to complete. The involuntary muscle contractions mimic doing 20,000 crunches or 20,000 squats at the gym, but you won’t break a sweat. This procedure works best when combined with CoolSculpting®, a procedure that freezes and eliminates stubborn fat under the skin.
How Much Does CoolTone™ Cost in Augusta, GA?
The cost of your CoolTone™ treatment is going to depend on many factors including the size of the treated area and the number of sessions required to help you achieve your desired results. During your consultation, Dr. Austin will assess your treatment goals in order to develop a personalized treatment plan. At this point, he will be able to provide you with the full cost of treatment. For your convenience, we accept many forms of payment and offer flexible financing options through CareCredit®, PatientFi – Click here to apply and Prosper® Healthcare Lending.
What Makes CoolTone™ Different from Other Body Sculpting Treatments?
What makes CoolTone™ different from leading competitors is its ability to tone the muscles in your body with 50 percent more magnetic intensity. This means your treatment is going to provide 50 percent more energy to strengthen muscle fibers and improve muscle condition. CoolTone™ also doesn’t just freeze the fat away like other devices. It works to tone and build the muscles in your body to improve muscle definition, not just melt the fat away. When used in combination with procedures like CoolSculpting®, patients may better see their desired results.

What Can I Expect from my CoolTone™ Treatment?
Your CoolTone™ treatment is done in-office by CoolSculpting® technicians and only takes about 30 minutes to complete. A device is placed over your treatment area and uses MMS technology to create involuntary muscle contractions that tone and strengthen the muscles underneath layers of skin and fat. You can expect to see the results of your CoolTone™ treatments improve over the course of a few months after your initial treatment. Results are best when maintained by additional treatments and complemented by diet and regular exercise.
Am I a Good Candidate for CoolTone™?
If you are a man or woman in good physical health, CoolTone™ may be right for you. If you suffer from a blood or seizure disorder, you may want to talk to Dr. Austin before considering CoolTone™. Ideal patients for this procedure eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly.

Real Patient Reviews
"From the time of walking in the doors of this medical spa you get not only a casual but welcoming and professional vibe. The providers have been amazing in any treatments I have decided to have with this practice."
- Skyler Bird
If you are interested in learning more about CoolTone™, contact us today to schedule your initial consultation. 7 Seas Medical Spa offers CoolTone™ to men and women living in Columbia City, North Augusta, and Evans, GA.